
Cailles en sarcopages (serves 2)/ BABETTE’S FEAST home

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2 quail, including the head                        

2 vol-au-vent cases                              

100g fois gras

2 slices of black truffle

75ml reduced stock

Brandy, seasoning

music and food

french cuisine

quails –


Make a rich reduction sauce, some scrapings of truffles, and flambe it with brandy. Split the quail down the backbone, cut off the head and neck. Place fois gras and truffle in the cavity and reassemble the bird. Part cook in oven with the heads for 10 mins. Then arrange the quail and their heads in the vol-au-vent cases and bake for a further 5 mins. Add the pan juices from the roasting dish to the sauce and when the quail are ready, spoon the sauce around the vol-au-vent cases.


Order quails and other fine foods online for delivery in London
 Ardtaraig Fine Foods
 The Atlas of Quails –
 Grouse and Quails of North America –