


Dir:Tsui Hark/ Hong Kong/ 1995/ 107mins/sub-titles

Sun, a Hong Kong debt collector, dreams of being a master chef and joins the legendary Master Au’s restaurant to learn how. When Au suffers a heart attack after being challenged to a contest to cook the Qing and Han Imperial Feast, a breathtaking banquet of over 100 dishes, Sun has to save the day by tracking down Cantonese master chef Liu.



No figure within the Hong Kong New Wave has been more influential than Tsui Hark (Peking Opera Blues). The premise of this "kung food" film is wonderfully clever: it applies the form of a classic martial arts film to a story about cooking. An inept young cook (Leslie Cheung) must find a master chef to represent his boss’s restaurant in a high-stakes competition. Despite its loosely structured, anything goes plot, the film’s knockout humor and high spirits manage to keep us enthralled through detailed demonstrations of complex (and often revolting) recipes. 

Andy Klein

"A comic Kung-food movie about duelling chefs that’s fast paced, funny and warm-hearted to boot…" Variety

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art and food

literature and food

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chinese food


Chinese Ghost Story II (Sin Nui Yau…Histoires de fantômes chinois ) Amazon Fr.