





Dir: Lasse Hallström/ Writing credits: Joanne Harris (novel), Robert Nelson Jacobs 


Juliette Binoche plays an enchantress who is also an itinerant chocolate maker. She and her daughter blow into a staid French village in the 1950s and awaken its residents with her magic chocolates. Is she a witch, as some believe, or a pagan priestess? Movie includes Judi Dench, Johnny Depp and other non-French co-stars plus lots of wonderful looking chocolates…cakes, truffles, hot chocolate with peppers, chocolate almonds and more. 

The music

The base structure of strings and woodwinds that dominate composer Portman’s works exists in full force here. Upon first listen to the score without any knowledge of the film’s plot, the music seems either Italian or Spanish, heavy with guitar driven Mediterranean performances and an overly melodramatic Italian theme. Pieces of Chocolat even draw their roots from the Tuscany portions of Only You. And yet the film takes place in France, which isn’t too much of a leap. The moments of ethnic outbursts  are easily the highlight of the score,  delegating them to traditional guitars and woodwinds rather than her favorite piano. 

Sally Bernstein (RealVideo) (Play Trailer)

Broadband Trailer, (Play Trailer)

Broadband Clip, (Play Trailer)

Miramax official site

Audio Clips:

2. Main Titles (0:30),
149K chocolat2.ra

4. Vianne Sets Up Shop (0:32),
170K chocolat4.ra

11. Party Preparations (0:31),
154K chocolat11.ra

16. Taste of Chocolate (0:30),
150K chocolat16.ra

original lfff site


art and food

music and food

                 a passion for chcolate

the best chocolate desserts

                              aphrodisiac food